Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to N503classblog

Welcome to our class blog for N503. Over the semester we will be sharing thoughts, insights, intuitions and observations, questions and answers, suggestions and even criticisms (although diplomatically delivered) of the ideas put forward in class. It will be our mutual responsibility to contribute to the overall growth of our collective understanding of the theory, practice, marketplace and application domains of digital media technologies.

This will involve an ongoing and wide-ranging dialogue and exploration of information resources. Some of that will occur in class. Some will take place as a solo, independent endeavor by each member of class. And some will take place in this blogging forum, where we will share observations about what we have said and written. This blog will be an online, asynchronous seminar to inform and reflect our class content and processes.

I am very much looking forward to this.

Steve Mannheimer

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