Thursday, February 4, 2010

Month long questions -- please feel free to add, re-interpret, modify, comment, etc. These are just some examples of the sort of questions you might ask yourself and spend a month researching and writing the answer.

If you could change one rule in a commonly understood and accepted paradigm of MIC technology, what would it be?

In the “age of twitter” when more and more MIC technologies will be geared to the most momentary of needs, thoughts and experiences, will there be a counter-balancing trend to increasingly long-term applications – digital goods and services that stretch on for years, even decades?

Although we generally think of MIC applications as geared to the individual consumer, how can we imagine a world filled with experiences that are primarily, even necessarily shared or social?

Does human nature shape technology or vice versa? Illustrate

Are we all avatars – from Barbie to Second Life to our roles as employee, student, teacher, etc.?

What is the difference between changing the rules and changing the fashion? And asking a different question?

If you were to design a MIC experience for Sunday morning, how would it be different – it at all – from the experience you might design for Monday morning, or late Saturday night?

What is the meaning or function of fashion in MIC technology? How does a new fashion change the meaning of the previous “hot” direction?


1 comment:

  1. I sent an oncourse message a week or two ago with my blog address and it isn't up under the student blog section yet

